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Workshops’ Conductors

Zimriya Photo Archive

אנו עשינו ככל יכולתנו לאתר את בעלי הזכויות בצילומים.
לגבי אלו אשר לא הצלחנו למצוא או לאתר, השימוש נעשה על פי הוראות סעיף 27א (א) (2) לחוק זכות יוצרים תשס”ח -2007.
בעלי הזכויות זכאים להתקשר עמנו על פי הכתובת:

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2002: The anniversary concert

October 31, 2002 קונצרט היובל
2002-10 קונצרט היובל (1).jpg

אלבומי התמונות נסרקו בסיוע

The 23rd Zimriya

World Assembly of Choirs in Old Acre, Israel

5-15 August 2013


The 23rd Zimriya, celebrating 60 years of activities, will hold the biggest musical & cultural event in the subterranean Crusaders Knights’ Halls and open space areas in the spectacular old historic town of Acre

For 10 days, in the summer of 2013, we will hold a celebration of Choral Music: a festival including workshops and concerts of choirs and ensembles from all over the world, which will gather to create a unique sound of choral music.

This magic will happen in the in spectacular Old City of Acre. Workshops of various choral music, led by world known conductors, as well as public concerts and ‘Choir to Choir’ performances, will be held day and night throughout the Zimriya; ‘Open Stage Performances’ of choirs, singing groups and ensembles will take place in the crescents of Acre during this festive celebration as well.

The well-known and experienced Israeli conductor, Michael Shani, will lead the Music Committee of the 23rd Zimriya.


The following world known conductors will lead workshops in the 23rd Zimriya:

  1. Anton Armstrong, USA –                            Robert Ray: Gospel Mass
  2. Frieder Bernius, Germany –             J. Hayden: Nelson Mass
  3. Timothy C. Brown, UK –                    The Great Choruses of J.S. Bach
  4. Gabor Hollerung, Hungary –            Oratorio Music
  5. Joshua Jacobson, USA –                            Jewish Music
  6. Sarah E. A. MacDonald, UK –            Women Voice
  7. Theodora Pavlovich, Bulgaria –        Choral Music from the Balkan
  8. Werner Pfaff, Germany –                 Romantic Music
  9. Aarne Saluveer, Slovenia-              Choral Music from Baltic & Scandinavia
  10. Robert Sund, Sweden –                            Songs of all Nations
  11. Sanna Valvanne, Finland –              Common Singing
  12. David Zaba, Israel –                       Israeli Music
  13. Nestor Zadoff, Argentina –              Choral Music from South America

Workshops Videos

We invite you to watch videos from the latest Zimriya workshops’ final concerts:

Workshop No. 1
Afro-American Spiritual & Gospel Music
Conductor: Anton Armstrong, USA

Workshop No. 2
Romantic Music
Conductor: Timothy Brown, UK

Workshop No. 3
Songs of all Nations
Conductor: Michael Gohl, Switzerland

Workshop No. 4
Jewish & Israeli Music
Conductor: Aharon Harlap, Israel
Ethnic, prayer & folk songs from the varied traditions of Israel

Workshop No. 5
W.A. Mozart: Mass in C Minor K.427
Conductor: Volker Hempfling, Germany

Workshop No. 6
Rhythms from the Balkans to Jazz – Workshop for Equal Voices
Conductor: Theodora Pavlovitch, Bulgaria

Workshop No. 7
Ludwig v. Beethoven – Mass in C Major, op. 86
Conductor: Stanley Sperber, Israel

The 22nd Zimriya World Assembly of Choirs in Israel 16-25 August 2010

The 22nd Zimriya took place on the beautiful campus of the Hebrew University on Mount Scopus, overlooking Jerusalem.

Choirs from all over the world were invited to participate. Workshops, led by world known conductors, took place mornings and afternoons. In the evenings there was open Singing of songs from various countries, and Choir to Choir sessions. A public Gala Concert took place at the end of the Zimriya.

Conductors & Workshops

The Founding Generation:
Aharon Zvi Propes, Founder & Director
Dr. Yaacov Hacohen, Chairperson
Emma N. Schaver, Chairperson
Judge Haim Adar, Chairperson
Esther Herlitz, Chairperson & Director
Ilana Barnea, Director

Music Directors:
Frank Peleg
Shlomo Kaplan
Avner Itai
Michael Shani
Yuval Ben Ozer

Aharon Kidron, Producer